Our Legacy Is Our Future

Hunza Group embarked on a remarkable journey of passion, commitment and devotion in 1975 by forming Swera Traders. Since then there is no stopping in this journey and the group has expanded its business in various industries of Ghee, Sugar, Distillery, Citrus & Pulp and now Steel.

Hunza Group has a strong vision of becoming Pakistan's leading Industry group and to play its part for a prosperous Pakistan.

Our Environmental Pledge

At Hunza Steel, we hold a deep commitment to environmental responsibility. Our actions reflect our dedication to preserving our planet and reducing our carbon footprint. Here's a glimpse of our eco-conscious initiatives:

  • Green Energy Generation

We proudly generate green energy from bagasse, a sustainable and renewable resource. By doing so, we actively contribute to the reduction of greenhouse emissions, minimizing our environmental impact.

  • CO2 Units in 2014
    In 2014, we took a significant step forward by launching two CO2 units. This move showcases our proactive approach to environmental sustainability. We continue to invest in cutting-edge technologies that enable us to minimize our carbon emissions and operate in an environmentally responsible manner.

At Hunza Steel, we understand the importance of protecting the environment for future generations. Our environmental responsibility initiatives are a testament to our unwavering commitment to a sustainable and greener world.


United in Excellence - The Hunza Steel Family

At Hunza Steel, our commitment to fostering a thriving work environment, promoting diversity, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance has consistently drawn exceptional talent from diverse backgrounds. We take great pride in not only attracting but also nurturing and retaining gifted individuals who harness the full potential of our cutting-edge technologies. Together, we uphold our business ideals and values, which have propelled us to industry excellence. Our standing today is a testament to the invaluable contributions of our dedicated human capital.



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